Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Groupie Love

I peeped you as you exited stage left
I reached for you and drew me close
For those few seconds we connected
I surveyed the room for my girls "DO YALL SEE ME?"
We looked into each others eyes "I can read your mind"
I know you only got "4 minutes" so let's make this quick
So here we are "Making Good Love" and time is running out
So I stare then I plead "Don't take your Love away" can you stay just a little while longer?
You look then you say"There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you girl"
I say then "Don't say No, Just say Yes" but you have to go.
You've left me with nothing but a photographic memory
and now we're "Separated", I want you to know "You'll always be my first Love"

Groupie Love that is.

Over & Out


tigerlily said...

Oh I guess I didn't comment...

I liked this but He was mine first :(
LOL!! It was nice seeing you this weekend.

Scrilla said...

Vey nice.